Fruit Humor
So my friend Adair told me about a tree that she has in her backyard that bears a fruit called 'Kumquat'. Ostensibly it's Middle Eastern.
A citrus-y, fleshy, Middle Eastern fruit? So, that's what the Arabs have been trying to conceal under those long robes and curly fries accents. Like us Indians hiding elephants in our colorful dhotis.
Kumquat /ˈkʌmkwɒt/ DJ /-kwɑːt/ DJ US /'kʌmkwɑt/ KK US
A fruit like a very small orange with sweet skin that is eaten, and sour flesh.
Usage Examples:
One Arab to another: "So are you going to get that hot belly dancer's number or what?"
The other Arab to the first one: "I want to, but I can't seem to muster enough kumquats to talk to her.."
|| With sincere apologies to my Arab friends, you know I'm just kidding! ||
A citrus-y, fleshy, Middle Eastern fruit? So, that's what the Arabs have been trying to conceal under those long robes and curly fries accents. Like us Indians hiding elephants in our colorful dhotis.
Kumquat /ˈkʌmkwɒt/ DJ /-kwɑːt/ DJ US /'kʌmkwɑt/ KK US
A fruit like a very small orange with sweet skin that is eaten, and sour flesh.
Usage Examples:
One Arab to another: "So are you going to get that hot belly dancer's number or what?"
The other Arab to the first one: "I want to, but I can't seem to muster enough kumquats to talk to her.."
|| With sincere apologies to my Arab friends, you know I'm just kidding! ||
I have a tree as well and love em!
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