Sunday, March 12, 2006

Quicker Strength Training

These are some quick tips which I've found very effective for strength training. No, it's not about showing off, it's about doing it right. I have a weak back and the pain can be excruciating. Reuben's the boss, but sometimes Men's Health has amazing articles that help in perfecting the session. These tips are written by Scott Quill from the September edition. For more tips go here.

The typical cheat: Bouncing a heavy barbell off your chest to help lift it back to the starting position.

Why it's dumb: It could kill you. "This may be the riskiest thing men do in the gym," says Craig Ballantyne, C.S.C.S., owner of Workout Bouncing the bar can lead to a loss of control, putting you at risk of a crushed neck and asphyxiation.

How to perfect your form: Before you bench, put a rolled-up towel down the middle of your upper body so that one end is at the center of your chest. Aim for the end of the towel on each repetition. Concentrating on accuracy ensures that you'll have control of the weight, says Ballantyne.

How to cheat smart: Try this touch-and-go "towel press." Use 50 percent of the weight that you usually use for six to eight repetitions. Do eight sets of three repetitions with 30 seconds' rest after each set. Place the towel on your chest and lower the bar as quickly as you can; as soon as the bar touches the towel, push it up as fast as possible. Imagine that if the bar touches the towel for too long, it'll burn your chest. The benefit: You'll learn to lift fast under control, which will translate into greater strength when you do a normal bench-press workout, Ballantyne says.

The typical cheat: Leaning back to curl a heavy weight.

Why it's dumb: It transfers the load unevenly from the front of your body to the back, and that can damage the muscles, ligaments, and joints of your back.

How to perfect your form: Stand against a wall when you curl, or hold a Swiss ball against the wall with your back, says Cosgrove. To practice even stricter form, keep your elbows in contact with the wall or ball for the entire lift.

How to cheat smart: Try this version of the "cheat curl." Hold a pair of heavy dumbbells at arm's length at your sides, palms facing each other. Keeping your back naturally arched, lean forward at your hips and bend your legs until the dumbbells are next to your knees. Curl the dumbbells, push your hips forward, and straighten your legs all at the same time, until you're standing upright and the dumbbells are almost resting on your shoulders. The benefit: You'll curl heavy weights without hurting your back. For an even greater muscle-building effect, lower the dumbbells as slowly as you can.


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