Thursday, March 10, 2005

What Am I Going To Do?

It's finally happened. The timing was wrong, it was simply borderline anachronistic! As I stared at the lifeless cadaver of my USB hub, my heart felt like a crestfallen lump of lead. The ever enthusiastic hub that had six generous ports kept my peripheral devices breathing with life and in sync with my beloved Diablo, my pc. And now, the hub shows no signs of life, whatsoever.

My pocket pc lies benumbed in its cradle, my webcam stares back at me with an absolute forsaken gaze. My bluetooth dongle has turned its face away from me, unable to bear the fact that it can never establish a seamless connection with the symbian os of my phone to help me browse its contents with the gentleness of a ballet dancer.... How will I upload my favorite midi ringtones to my phone now? How will I download me photos? What on earth can provide me the luxury of syncing my ipaq from my couch while I type away with the renewed enthusiasm of a newborn lamb. The packet loss is unbearable.

Anesthesia (pulling teeth) is playing in my headphones, a sad reminder. It seems like the final ride of my universal serial bus has just ended. Sorry folks, its time to bid adieu to a superb if not brilliant piece of technology. I hope the hub has a safe trip into the next world..


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