Saturday, March 18, 2006

Say Hello To A Wiseguy.

Giacomo 'Fat Jack' DiNorscio. Just another mafia associate. Bearing deep links to the Jersey faction of the Luccheses', one of the five families in New York. A mobster who said he'd rather spend a thousand years in jail than rat his friends out. Jackie served seventeen years from a sentence of thirty for posession of heroin with intent to distribute. When he got out, he had only two years to live. But before serving his time, he made history as the first mafia associate to defend himself and turn the tables on the entire proceedings of a courtcase that lasted a little over twenty three months.

FMG has a lot of the old timers from Hollywood making a comeback. There's Nico Calabrese played by Alex Rocco, our good old Moe Green and there's Jerry Adler, Hesh Rabkin from the Sopranos... I did notice a few anachronisms though; a Yellow tail wine bottle, a woman dressed up like she's from the 90s... But overall the movie was a very intriguing dramatisation of what happened in the courtroom. The performances are good. Peter Dinklage was very good as Klandis, the attorney who represents the boss, Calabrese.

This was DOJ's most ambitious case with over ten defendants and more than 76 indictment charges. The movie starts with a clip of Rudolph Giuliani in a press conference explaining the details of RICO. Good. Towards the end, the audience was actually clapping when the jury had reached the verdict on all counts, for all defendants. Not guilty.


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