To make a CD and bundle it with a pair of stereoscopic lenses, some prolific artwork and then augment the entire experience with soulful, melancholic, yet hopeful songs; it can only be the band that's been doing it for ages. Tool. As the new record titled 10,000 days does the rounds, the band experiments with renewed vigor and crushes out a sound that has left us, the fans in a state of temporary blindness. The music is very, very, very good, the compositions crawling with complex shades that take you back and urge you to relinquish all thoughts and just pay attention. Too bad I missed them at Coachella. I'll see them on tour soon. Until then I have a 12" record to feed my addiction. One copy lies in my disc changer in the car and the mp3s have been doing the rounds at home and work. Seventy Five minutes of novocaine, looped.
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