Sunday, April 03, 2005

Declaration of Hate

Lesson learnt on a bright Sunday Morning:

If you are fat, you are considered ugly, downright repulsive and unfit to live among the common folk. I've learnt this lesson time and again, from the closest of friends to the most unsuspecting stranger who crossed my path. It's still a Nazi regime out there, with a small difference, the mighty purge is now completely based on appearance. So, my fellow bipeds have seemingly concocted different levels of disgust to repel even the most harmless of us, the fat & unfit. I feel especially sad for the likes of these who consider themselves pressured by the annals of society that decides what's beautiful and what's unfit to survive. Like Marilyn Manson's lyrics read, 'God is in the TV'.

A few days back, a friend of mine, another unlikely contender in the rat race sent me a link from an eminent magazine that had some write-ups pertaining to pictorials of the ladies in the first season of the reality show, 'The Apprentice'. The write up starts like this, "Thank God, Mr.Trump hired some pretty faces and didnt hire some ugly people to star in the show". I have a question. Who the fuck decides who's ugly or beautiful?

Let's take another example, the movies. In most heart melting, feel good movies that tell tales of little boys trying hard to be good, the fat kid's the bully and tormentor. The fat kid snatches food from other kid's lunch packs, pushes them around and rubs their faces in dust. I've ben fat all my life, and my days of school are definitely filled with good memories and also affectionate pet names like 'lardbucket', 'fatso', 'jellyboy'. To you it may sound funny, to me it was living hell.

I don't need your fucking sympathy, neither do I need your concern or take on what's rude and what's not. Just be courteous and treat me like a human, I'm no different than you are. I'm not ashamed of what I am. Don't rub me with your quasi-effective 'keep away' vibe, say it in my face if you've got the minerals. Be a fucking man or a woman.. Stand up for what you think is right. And if you think fat is ugly, fuck you. If you can't say it, back the fuck off and let me do my thing. For if you push me, I will fucking tear you apart. Go find yourself an excuse or a TV channel to bitch and moan about your unsuccessful efforts at getting a six pack or simply choke on a bottle of Gatorade. To me, you are no different than a fucking anti-semite, a fucking racist or a misanthrope. As i said, in the most eloquent way I can phrase it, FUCK YOU!


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