Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Mess that Bihar Is.

PATNA: A murder almost every two hours, a riot in an hour and eight kidnappings and three rapes a day. The crime scenario is truly alarming even by Bihar standards in 2004.

Of the 1,15,216 cognisable offences recorded between January and December, 2004, there were 3,861 cases of murder, 1,297 dacoities, 9,199 riots, 2,977 kidnappings, including 411 kidnappings for ransom, 1,063 rapes, 2,162 robberies on the road and dacoities and 57 cases of bank dacoities and robberies, an official report said. Notwithstanding the daunting task faced by the law enforcing machinery, the police-public ratio is 0.65 per 1,000 people, meaning there was not even one policeman per thousand population and only 6.5 policemen for a population of every 10,000 - one of the lowest in the country, state police headquarters sources said.

They said the figures compiled by the police department may not present the full picture as many cases go unrecorded with victims not reporting all cases. According to available data, there were 9.74 policemen per 10,000 people in West Bengal, 10.38 in Orissa, 10.56 in Uttar Pradesh, 12.16 in Madhya Pradesh and 13.59 in Rajasthan. In respect of their deployment per 100 square km, Delhi accounted for 3550, Punjab 13.6, Tripura 120.9, Assam 67 while the corresponding figure for Bihar is 54.6 only.

The state police has the strength of about 70,000 which includes 167 IPS, 372 deputy SP, 553 inspectors, 4,409 sub-inspectors, 4,240 assistant sub-inspectors, 10,466 havaldars and little over 48,000 constables. The state police had recently submitted before the Patna High Court that approximately 20,000 individuals, including politicians, present and former bureaucrats and people from other walks of life were granted houseguards or bodyguards or both.



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