Thursday, May 31, 2007

Girly Man!

Monday, May 21, 2007

If you liked 'The Departed'...

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Looks like Phil Donahue threw up in the tuba...

Warriors, Come out to play....

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Carry Me Through

Hey you cuckoo!
See you're in the paper late today, accused of something,
and your lips are closed to all of those who know she's missing.
Talk abounds she won't be found alive and that's a pity.

I read about all of these crimes. When will it end?
Carry me through tomorrow, guide me along the way.
I'm tired of the insane running things,
and I won't stop tryin' for change.

Seems the town's ablaze and TV's live to show it's burning.
All the while, the smiling juvenile is seeking mercy.

I see these crimes all of the time. When will it end?
Carry me through tomorrow, guide me along the way.
I'm tired of the insane running things,
and I won't stop tryin' for change.

We legislate and educate trying to find
a way to fix the broken dream.

Carry me through tomorrow, guide me along the way.
If this is the youth of tomorrow,
I'm running the other way.
Carry me through tomorrow, guide me along the way.
I'm tired of the insane running things,
and I won't stop tryin' for change.

Cuckoo's Nest.
Hear Now In The Frontier

Thursday, May 03, 2007

An Egocentric Discovery

Just realized that my blog has had over ten thousand hits. Keep clicking my friends. This presents an archetypal example of how time can be efficiently wasted in an effort to save the bull ant population of Australia.

I see bread people.