Prasadams & Desis.
I'm at the Hindu temple this morning - the offerings (sweets) after the service are being distributed... The gentleman distributing the sweets comes around to me, reaches for a rather large piece of delectable 'laddoo.' But then his gaze pauses in horror as he engages me and realizes the extent of opulence I exude in body weight.
As he soaks up the sight of a hermetically sealed violent blob of pudge at his heel, he quickly lets his fingers dribble back to a piece three finger steps behind. Which, bless his over-consumed benevolent heart happens to be the size of a pea that gave up hope thirty seven years ago.
He then proceeds to smile, drop the sweet in the depth of my open palm as he greets me with a hello and walks away filling his lungs with the air that resounds the clarity of his good deed in saving another hippo from extinction.
INDIANS, We love judging don't we! LOL!
posted by Shaking Shenoy at 1/29/2012 11:26:00 AM